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How does your diet affect your brain?

Tom Seabury

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

When the topic of diet is discussed, it is nearly always about losing weight, getting abs, and feeling physically healthier. However, while they are all great reasons to eat better, the most important reason is often overlooked. The food we consume acts as the fuel that drives the functionality of our body and mind. As with a car, poor-quality fuel delivers inferior performance, and high-quality fuel can boost performance. While the effect on our body can be visually seen, how does a poor diet affect our brain?

Creating and maintaining neurons.

Neurons are the primary cells of the brain. Simply put, they play the role of information messengers. Electrical impulses and chemical signals transmit information between different areas of the brain and send messages between the brain and the rest of the nervous system. The food we consume affects our neurons. An unhealthy diet full of fats and sugars can inflame our neurons and hinder the creation of new neurons.

This combination of hindrance and inflammation can negatively affect how the brain works. On the other hand, a diet full of healthy nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, can benefit brain development. Healthy diets improve neuron formation and can lead to improved thinking, attention, and memory. A simple change can truly revolutionise our life, with our attentional focus, critical thinking, and memory recall being aspects that play huge parts in our careers and lives.

Food can shape our moods and emotions

We live in a time when mental health is at the forefront of all our minds. Society has taken great positive steps in removing old stigmas and working to help those suffering. However, we also live in a time when mental health issues are more prevalent than ever. While there are numerous reasons why we are seeing this prevalence, diet is a key reason.

The modern diet is filled excessively with sugars and fats. From chocolate and sweets to Coca-Cola and Red Bull, sugar is everywhere and in insanely high quantities. One of the common ways sugar finds its way into our diets is through artificial sweeteners. Drinking fizzy/energy drinks is often a lead culprit for containing these sweeteners. Many drinks contain the artificial sweetener aspartame. This sweetener has been shown to cause many health issues, such as irritability and anxiety. Secondly, it has been linked to insomnia, a disorder connected to various mental health issues.

With diet playing such a clear role in our physical and mental performance, the evidence to remove sugars and fats is compelling. Next time you try to stick to a diet and are struggling to resist a bar of chocolate in the cupboard or a Ben and Jerry's in the fridge, remind yourself of both the physical side effects and what that treat is doing to your neurons and emotions.


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