The internet has an abundance of fascinating scientific research. Academics worldwide publish research articles on a host of topics every day. Any topic you can imagine will likely have a multitude of research findings available online to help you better understand a field. However, often this information is hidden behind a literacy barrier. Scientific studies are written for and targeted towards other members of the scientific community.
For an everyday reader, this can mean that the terms used are overly complex, and a topic's relevance to everyday life can be lost. This is a huge shame, as we can all learn so much from the world of academia when it is explained in Layman's terms. When these complex scientific methods and findings are broken down into simple English, they can provide useful insight into real-life strategies or ideas we can look to use in our lives.
Therefore, the Psych Simplified series aims to break down published academic research into simple, bite-sized articles. Each article in this series will cover a study: what the research topic was, how/what the researcher did and found, and finally, how these findings can be implemented into your life to improve your performance. This series aims to provide all of this information in short reads of 3 minutes or less.
Each week an area related to performance psychology will be covered. If you have an area of particular interest in which you would like to be covered or a piece of research you would like broken down, please email, and it will be investigated.