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Foods that boost mental performance

Tom Seabury

Updated: Apr 25, 2023

Recently, there has been a focus on the effect certain foods can have on our bodies. Which foods contain antioxidants, which are superfoods and can aid sporting performance. However, some foods can significantly aid mental performance too. While some articles will highlight extremely expensive food or food which is hard to find, this article aims to promote the benefits you can see from five everyday items.

1. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish has well-published benefits. Fish is full of Omega-3s, which our body can use to build and regenerate brain and nerve cells. Our body and brain are constantly building and developing new cells and neural pathways, so eating food that can boost this process can provide a huge performance increase. This process, boosted by these fats, is essential for learning new skills and motor patterns and boosting our memory.

2. Blueberries

It is common knowledge that blueberries are packed with antioxidants. However, many do not know what antioxidants do for our brains. The antioxidants found in blueberries can slow down brain ageing and lower our chances of getting neurogenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. With these diseases becoming more and more prevalent in society, having ways to lower our risk is crucial.

3. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is often instantly perceived as an unhealthy luxury and a treat. While this is true for milk chocolate, dark chocolate often gets a bad wrap. Dark chocolate is built from a natural compound of coco and does not contain the flavouring additions found in milk chocolate. Dark chocolate also contains flavonoids. The flavonoids gather in the areas of the brain that deal with learning and memory. These compounds can enhance memory and slow down age-related mental decline in a similar way that blueberries can.

4. Oranges

Oranges (and some other citrus fruits) are packed full of vitamin C. High levels of vitamin C in our blood can be associated with improvements in tasks that involve focus, memory, attention, and decision speed. High vitamin C levels can boost our mental performance in many areas, from sports to the workplace.

5. Nuts

Nuts, like blueberries and dark chocolate, can significantly aid our mental longevity. Regular consumption of nuts has been linked to a lower risk of cognitive decline in older adults. Regularly eating nuts long term can pay dividends in our later life as our bodies age by conserving our brains and mental capacity.

While none of these foods mentioned here are a miracle cure for anything, they have all been proven to aid our brain's recovery, development and maintenance. The five types of food mentioned in this article are commonly available from supermarkets and can be bought cheaply. Add these food groups into your weekly shop, and give your brain a fuel boost.


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