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Focusing on the present

Tom Seabury

Picture this: You're amid a high-stakes tournament, facing off against fierce competitors, with the pressure mounting. It's easy to get overwhelmed and think about the long road ahead. However, successful athletes know that the key to peak performance lies in focusing on the present moment, one game at a time.

Maintain Laser-Sharp Focus: By directing your attention solely to the upcoming moment, you avoid the mental strain of worrying about the entire match/tournament. This laser-sharp focus allows you to assess your opponent's strengths and weaknesses, strategise effectively, and make split-second decisions without distractions. Remember, many sports matches are won or lost point by point.

Control the Controllable: Most sports have numerous variables beyond our control, such as weather conditions, crowd reactions, or even an opponent's performance. Instead of getting bogged down by these external factors, focusing on the next game empowers you to focus on what you can control—your mindset, technique, and game plan. This proactive approach boosts your confidence and minimises anxiety, enhancing your overall performance.

Build Momentum and Confidence: Every match presents an opportunity for growth and improvement. By concentrating on the next game, you create a positive feedback loop. Each successful point or game won builds your confidence, increasing your momentum and enabling you to ride the wave of success throughout the tournament. Remember, victories are often the result of a series of small wins.

So, how can you cultivate a "next game" mindset?

Here are some practical tips:

Create a Pre-Game Routine: Develop a ritual that allows you to transition from the previous match to the upcoming one. This could include visualisation exercises, breathing techniques, or a brief review of your game plan.

Practice Mindfulness: Stay present in the moment, fully immersing yourself in the game. Train your mind to let go of past mistakes or future worries and focus on the task at hand.

Break it Down: Rather than overwhelming yourself with the entire tournament, break it down into smaller, manageable parts. Set mini-goals for each game, allowing you to celebrate achievements along the way.

Embrace the Process: Remember, sport is a journey. Embrace the process of learning, growing, and developing your skills. Every game is an opportunity to improve and refine your technique.

Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive team—coaches, trainers, mentors, or fellow players—who understand and encourage your "next game" mindset. Together, you can elevate each other's performances and achieve greatness.

Focus on the next game, one moment at a time. Let's embrace the power of the present moment, unlock our true potential, and excel.


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